Business Liability

Healthcare Professionals

Physicians/Surgeons (Standard & Non-Standard)) Medical Directors
Accupucturists Midwives
Chiropractors Nutritionists
CRNA’s Nurse Practitioners
Dentists Opticians
Locum Tenes (Physicians Staffing) Physicians Assistants

Business Owners Policy (BOP) – Combines multiple insurance coverage into one comprehensive and cost-effective package. A business owners policy includes two primary type of insurance coverage:

a. Property – Provides insurance coverage for your business’s physical structure and its contents, including inventory, office equipment, furniture and computers. Also includes business interruption insurance in the event you could not conduct business as usual.

b. Liability – Covers your business against claims and related expenses resulting from allegations of negligence.

Workers Compensation – State of California mandates all employers to provide Workers Compensation Insurance to employees. Workers Compensation offers benefits and payments to employees who suffer work-related injuries and offers compensation for;

a. Economic loss
b. Medical bills
c. General damages for pain and suffering
d. Death benefits to family members

Commercial Auto – Business owners policy or personal auto insurance does not cover commercial auto, separate policy is required for cars, trucks and vans used by you or your employees for business purposes including company-owned vehicles and employees using their own vehicles.

Business Property – Protects your business property and its operations from damage caused by natural disaster or crime. Business property insurance consists of two categories:
a. Property-covers your business’s building and business personal property
b. Business interruption-covers expenses and lost income

Billing Errors & Omissions – Extends comprehensive, cost-effective coverage for Medicare/Medicaid Billing Errors and Omissions. Coverage includes legal and defense and audit costs and claims made by Federal, State, or Local Governments or sought by Commercial Payors.